BOMA Utah Membership Application Select An Option Principal Membership $1000 Annually Principal Members consist of:OwnersInvestorsDevelopersBrokers/Leasing AgentsManagers and Assistant Managers (Including but not limited to: Property; Building; Asset; Operations; Regional; General; Real Estate; Portfolio; and Facility)Building/Facility Engineers (Senior, Chief, Lead or other titles conveying similar function, status, authority, etc.) that are not contracted employees; must be associated with a Principal Member in the management of real estate Engineer Membership $900 Annually Engineer Members are considered Building/Facility Engineers (Senior, Chief, Lead or other titles conveying similar function, status, authority, etc.) that are not contracted employees; must be associated with a Principal Member in the management of real estate. Engineering memberships are tied to the business and can be interchanged and utilized by any engineer associated with the business. 1st Additional Principal Member $940 Annually To qualify as an additional principal member, another member of your company needs to have a current membership. Please confirm with your company or Courtney Long on what level you quailfy for before selecting an additional principal membership. 2nd Additional Principal Member $875 Annually To qualify as an additional principal member, another member of your company needs to have a current membership. Please confirm with your company or Courtney Long on what level you quailfy for before selecting an additional principal membership. 3+ Additional Principal Member $800 Annually To qualify as an additional principal member, another member of your company needs to have a current membership. Please confirm with your company or Courtney Long on what level you quailfy for before selecting an additional principal membership. Associate Membership $1075 Annually Associate Members are individuals who provide a product or service to the real estate industry. In addition to vendors and suppliers of real estate products and services, associate members may also include individuals from company/firms providing legal, accounting, engineering, banking, insurance, and architectural services. Please note, Membership is limited to a ratio of 51% Principal Members and 49% Associates. Membership expire at the end of each calendar year. Includes all luncheons, membership in BOMA Utah, BOMA Region and BOMA International. Additional Associate Member $800 Annually Allows additional members from the same Associate Member company to join BOMA Utah and participate in all activities; (additional members are not reported to BOMA International). Membership expire at the end of each calendar year. Includes all luncheons, membership in BOMA Utah and BOMA Region. Supporting Member $675 Annually Support membership will be open to an individual employed by a Principal Member to include Administrative Assistants, Accounting staff, Tenant Coordinators, Security personnel and engineers not considered a Chief, Lead or Senior. These individuals support the day-to-day operations under the Principal Member Individual may attend all luncheons at no additional cost, does not include golf. Additional restrictions and benefits will apply. Membership expire at the end of each calendar year. Includes all luncheons, membership in BOMA Utah and BOMA Region. Support memberships must be approved by BOMA Utah before finalizing. Emerging Professional Member $475 Annually An Emerging Professional member must be employed by a Commercial Real Estate Company or Owner and would normally fall under the Principal Member category, with five (5) years or less experience and may remain in this category for a maximum of two (2) years. May attend all luncheons at no additional cost, does not include golf. Additional restrictions and benefits will apply. Membership expire at the end of each calendar year. Includes all luncheons, membership in BOMA Utah and BOMA Region. Enter Contact Information Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.) First Name Last Name Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III) Designations E-mail Family NameBusiness Name View Membership Terms Next Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist Powered By GrowthZone